Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Yes, Fergie and many other sexy Hollywood women have given us their definitions of glamorous. In fact, this world reminds us everyday of their definitions of what makes a glamorous woman. Many times, glamor is based on the outward appearance and material things that makes us "beautiful" and "wanted" by the male species.
Have you ever stopped to think about what a glamorous life in Christ might look like and how attractive that must be to a man seeking Christ in his own life? C'mon, we give fashion magazines the chance to tell us day after day. Perhaps we can consider a different type of glamor?
Now this does not come from the Bible, just my thoughts today. But perhaps you can let this sink into your thoughts for a bit. What if our lives could portray this kind of glamor?
G- Grace of God: Knowing God has given us the gift of grace sets us free from a life of guilt and restores purity in our lives. Even after we have messed up bad. His grace is always sufficient.
L- Love: Christ's love is present in our daily lives. In the way we love our families, friends and even strangers. People can set us apart because we love through Christ.
A- Acceptance: We can accept situations and people in our lives even when they are difficult. Each one is made to test us and grow us. And we can accept that all things work for the good of Christ who loves us.
M- Maturity: We can rest assure that every situation teaches us something about ourselves and God's purpose for our lives. His plan must carry through so that we will be mature and complete in Him.
O- Optimism: In him, we have hope in each new day. We can look torward the future with confidence that we are exactly where we need to be.
R- Redemption: We are redeemed by his love. We no longer have to let the past hold us down.
O- Opportunity: We have the opportunity to be used for a bigger purpose than what our own dreams can tell us. And with each new day, we have the opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ to our world.
U- Unique: We are unique in every way. And made for a specific purpose that no one else in this world can live out but you.
S- Sinner: We are all sinners saved by grace. None better than the other. We fall and pick ourselves back up again so that Christ's love may shine on this world.
When will you realize that you are worth far more than a cheap beer and convenient sex? We've all been there. You deserve the rainbows and fairytale wedding you've always dreamed of.
This is not the kind of Glamor that can be bought or sold. It is rare. It is eternal. It can't fade. No matter how far you have gone or how corrupted you have been, you can be made whole and clean.
Christ's love gives us something that no man can ever give or take away. You are precious and worth far more than rubies.
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